Tuesday, 4 April 2017

STUDENTS READ - end of term Technical Brief due last week of Term

Year 7 - How we Organise Ourselves -

A Technical Brief is required to have

  1. Your design - pictures, drawings , sketches
  2. Attributes - physical (what you see) and functional (what it does)
  3. Conceptual Statement - What is it, who is it for, what they will use it for, why did you make it, where will it be used.

Remember - this is VISUAL LANGUAGE - to the brighter, more colourful, thoughtful layout, ease to read the better


Students please remember to let your parents know they are more than welcome to visit the Hard teach room on the LAST DAY OF TERM - Thursday 13th April between 1-4pm to see the Year 7's .  The theme was how we organise ourselves. CHANGED TIME TILL 3:30PM